Hulk Hogan let the Hulkamania run wild on twitter again. He accidentaly tweeted something that he was sending to someone else. Hogan tweeted “I ran out of toilet paper brother, help!!!!!!!!”
in tears. pic.twitter.com/d0XbEXTdcE
Advertisement— Wrestle Ops (@WrestleOps) January 25, 2023
He has deleted it now but the internet has of course kept screenshots of it as seen above. He was probably meaning to send it as a DM to someone but tweeted it to his 2.2 Million followers instead. Hogan also tweeted “Help” before in this hilarious faux pas. Facts that are evident from this is that the sexagenarian uses twitter to DM his family & that he uses his phone on the can.
However this isn’t the first time The Hulkster was left with mud on his face on twitter. A decade ago in 2011, he tweeted something to vent out his frustration on disrespectful fans. He had tweeted “Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don’t know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks”
Only just now realised that Hulk Hogan has deleted his greatest tweet – which was sent 11 years ago today.
It used to be here: https://t.co/ZCgrIbUWpA pic.twitter.com/BfE09bwSGl
Advertisement— Garrett Kidney (@garrettkidney) October 16, 2022
This tweet was legendary among pro wrestling fans. They sarcastically regarded it as the greatest tweet ever posted by a wrestler. He deleted this said tweet last year exactly 11 years after posting on October 16th. Fans considered it as an end of an era.
Hulk was recently on TV when he opened the milestone show of RAW XXX, the 30th anniversary of RAW. He & his fellow Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart started the show as he acknowledged RAW’s long running success.
— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) January 24, 2023
It seems funny botches follow the 2 time Hall of Famer around. As seen even during this segment, his mic wasn’t functioning properly and had to be replaced.
No stranger to controversy, Hogan famously sued the gossip webite gawker in 2013 for releasing a sex tape of his without consent. The court finally rewarded Hogan (real name Terry Gene Bollea) $31 million in damages which sent the smut-monger site into bankruptcy.
The Legend has definitely lived an eventful life.