It finally happened at the Royal Rumble. Sami Zayn is no longer an Honorary Uce. We all predicted this right from the beginning and recently he had some trouble with his Bloodline as well. But it finally went down because of his old friend Kevin Owens, as had been the trend.
The Undisputed WWE Universal Championship was on the line in the main event between Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens. Owens was having the better of The Bloodline since weeks and it had come down to this match.
The match itself was worth watching where Roman arrived with Sami and Paul Heyman. It escalated quickly and things soon went outside the ring. They were giving each other all they had. Powerbombs, Frog Splashes, Spears, Stunners, Superman punches etc. were all seen in this exciting match. At one point, Owens botched a Springboard Moonsault attempt and ate a spear for his effort.
El botch de Kevin Owens haciendo el moonsault. Uf. #RoyalRumble pic.twitter.com/8cIVnf4qwT
Advertisement— Luigi (@LuigiWrestling) January 29, 2023
As the referee was knocked down, Owens planted a Pop-up Powerbomb on Reigns but there was no referee to count. To take advantage of the situation, Roman asked Zayn standing outside to slide in a chair. Although reluctant, Zayn obliged but Owens recovered by then and hit the champ with a Stunner. The referee had recovered by then but KO didn’t get the pinfall. He tried another Pop-up Powerbomb on Roman that Reigns converted it into a Superman Punch. Kevin crawled out of the ring to the barricade where Sami pleaded him to stay down. Right then Reigns speared him through the barricade and rag dolled him on the steps. Another spear in the middle of the ring & it was all over.
The whole Bloodline then arrived to the ring & Jey Uso was putting a lei on Sami when Roman stopped him. He ordered The Usos to beat down Owens. They put a chair around KO’s neck and Solo Sikoa hip attacked him in the corner. The Usos then handcuffed him to the ropes and superkicked him multiple times. Roman then was about to smash Owens with a chair when Sami intervened. The Tribal Chief then asked Sami to do the honors himself.
Sami picked up the chair but he didn’t hit Owens. He hit Roman in the back instead. Thus cementing his fate. He knew what he had done and dropped the chair and told The Usos he was sorry. Jimmy Uso superkicked Zayn and Solo Samoan Spiked him before Roman rained down punches on him. All this while, Jey stood in the corner looking at them with disgust. Jimmy tried to convince his brother to join them but he exited the ring instead. The crowd cheered him for that & chanted “F*ck You Roman” as he chair smashed a lying Sami Zayn. Roman dropped some flower petals from a lei on a beaten down Zayn signifying that he is dead for The Bloodline. He even tore off Sami’s Honorary Uce t-shirt from his body before leaving.
Long Term Booking🔥
AdvertisementSami Zayn saves Kevin Owens & betrays Roman Reigns, Jey Uso walks out, Fuck You Roman chants, The Bloodline destroys Sami Zayn. This was the GREATEST WWE PPV ending ever. #RoyalRumble pic.twitter.com/VlirKrusuv
— #TeamJD (@EKCone909) January 29, 2023
It will be interesting to see how Jey’s walking away effects the group dynamics of The Bloodline.