Kurt Angle Names two Superstars Who Should Main Event WrestleMania

Former WWE RAW General Manager Kurt Angle is no longer an active on-screen talent in WWE. Angle wrestled his last match against Baron Corbin at WrestleMania 35 in 2019. Since then, he has made limited appearances on WWE TV. The retired Superstar still gives his views on the current happenings in the pro wrestling world.

He has his own show named The Kurt Angle Show, where he recently picked the two Superstars who should be the top names on WWE’s top two brands – WWE RAW and SmackDown. According to Kurt, the top name of RAW is Randy Orton, who is currently holding the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships with Riddle. He added that Roman Reigns is the face of the blue brand. Here’s what Angle said:


“My two champions are the two best in the company, Roman Reigns and Randy Orton.”

Kurt Angle names the two Superstars who should main event WrestleMania

While Kurt Angle selected Randy Orton and Roman Reigns as the top two guys of the two shows, he clarified that he wants to see a TLC 2017 rematch between AJ Styles and Finn Balor in the main event of WrestleMania next. Here’s what Angle added:


“But, WrestleMania main event, a new one and one I would love to see would be AJ Styles vs. Finn Balor. I think that match would be incredible, and I would love to see that at WrestleMania as a main event. Both those guys are unbelievable in the ring.”

WrestleMania 38 will be a two-night event in 2022. The two Superstars whom Kurt Angle wants to see in the main event scene are on RAW right now. However, neither of them are competing for the world title. It will be interesting to see if WWE books the two incredibly talented Superstars to main event the grandest pay-per-view of the company.


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